Home Buyer's Guide and Tools
Search Homes: Use our comprehensive search tools to browse all homes, duplexes and condos that are currently for sale in the Albuquerque metro area.
Register for the Home Finder and allow your searches to be sent to automatically. Registered members can save searches and favorites or sign up for email alerts so you are notified as soon as a new home comes onto the market that meets your criteria.
First-Time Buyers can read a guide to ensure they know every step of the process. Being prepared will ensure you receive the best deal possible and aren't surprised with any step in the process.
Learn About the Albuquerque Metro area and the most popular subdivisions before you buy a home.
Use a REALTOR when you buy your home: Our Buyer's Guarantee will explain why it is important to work with a REALTOR and how we can help you through each step of the process.
Use our Mortgage Calculator to help you decipher mortgage payments for the homes you like on our site. This will help you to ensure you are looking in a price range that will leave your payment in a comfortable range.
Contact us anytime you would like more information on an property that is for sale or have questions regarding the process of buying or selling a home. We are available to help you make the leap towards home ownership.
Request a Home Buyers Packet: We are happy to provide you with a Home Buyers Packet to help guide you through each step of the home buying process. Our Home Buyers Packet will give you a quick reference guide if you aren't sure what will happen next in the process.
Please fill out the form below and one of our qualified agents will be in contact to help you get started on your home search:
*Your information will never be shared with any third party.