Home Maintenance Tips to Prepare for Summer

Summer in New Mexico is the best time of year. The weather is warm, making it perfect for a trip to the lake or a day at the pool with friends and family. With so many fun activities to do on your days off of work, the last thing you want to do is worry about home maintenance. That's why springtime is a great time to take care of these necessary but sometimes tedious projects around your home. Let's look at some of the most essential home maintenance tasks to tackle now.

Service Your Air Conditioner

Summertime in New Mexico gets really hot. It's pretty normal for temperatures to be well above 90 degrees during the day, so the last thing you want is your a/c to be out of commission. Having the unit inspected and serviced by a professional now will ensure the system is in optimal condition when you need it most.

While we're talking about your air conditioner, go check to see when you last replaced your air filters. If it's been a while, now is the time to do so since they are a key component to the air conditioner's effectiveness. Plus, air filters also capture contaminants like dust and pollen and improve indoor air quality.

Clean The Gutters

If your home has gutters, spring is an excellent time to have them cleaned. You'll want the gutters to be free from debris like leaves and twigs so that when those summer monsoons head our way, you won't have to worry. Those storms can be pretty intense, and having clogged gutters during a storm could lead to water damage, mold growth, or even structural damage. So, either find an extra hour to get the gutters clear or call in the professionals now to prevent any issues in the future.

Get Your Irrigation Working

If you like gardening, you should be in full planting mode right now. One of the most important parts of your garden is the irrigation. Make sure the sprinkler heads are correctly positioned and that the system is working effectively so your plants get the water they need all summer long.

Inspect Windows and Doors

Door and window seals need to be replaced occasionally, so it's a good idea to go around your house to make sure yours are still looking good. These seals will help keep your home cooler in the summer, which will also help out with your utility bills since the air won't have to run quite as much.

Not only do the seals prevent warm summer air from entering your home, but they also keep bugs out. New Mexico has some scary bugs, like scorpions and spiders, that you do not want inside, so taking the time to seal up any cracks will help keep them away.

Get a Pest Control Treatment

If you want more protection against creepy crawlies, now is the time for a pest control treatment. Again, you can do this yourself, but hiring a professional might be your best option. They'll spray inside and around your home to keep those bugs away.

Even though New Mexico is hot and dry, we still have to worry about the tiny, invasive insects. It's a good idea to schedule a termite inspection each spring since termites can cause thousands of dollars in damage if they go unnoticed.

If you need referrals for professionals to help you out with your spring home maintenance, let us know! We'd love to hear from you.

Posted by Alfonso "Fonz" Salazar on
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